A spanking new Guerilla website

Today is a very exciting day at Guerilla Towers because our marvellous new website has launched. That’s right, we are coming at you loud and proud with a vibrant new site with a Latin feel. The website reflects the energy and dynamism of Guerilla and more importantly, allows us some cocktail themed visuals linked to the creative process (a process which cries out for a team night of cocktails surely?!).

Explore the Guerilla bar - feel free to help yourself

Explore the Guerilla bar – feel free to help yourself

To tell you more about www.guerilla-creative.co.uk and the thinking process behind it, I sat down with Gus, one of the masterminds behind its conception, here’s what he had to say:

Today you are launching your spanking new website, what was the thinking behind refreshing your old site?

We’ve evolved a greater understanding of what clients are looking for when they come to choosing an agency. With media becoming increasingly commoditised, brands need to constantly refresh their creative in order to stand out and gain customers interest and interaction. We are seeking to demonstrate to prospective clients that we can deliver fresh creative ideas by the way in which the new site looks and works rather than by showing lists of clients and galleries of work.

You have gone for a vibrant “Latin” feel to the site – how do you feel this represents your brand?

Che was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist, he also had a great hair and a cool beard. We don’t have any of these things in common but we are called Guerilla so we think we are entitled to borrow some of his style.

Talk us through some of your favourite parts of the new site and tell us why you like them?

I really like the fact that it is simple, you can get what we are about straight away and it’s not full of the bullshit which most Agency sites are.

What else can you tell us about the site?

The soundtrack to the show reel is actually performed by co-director Ian Humphrey’s band “Hard Options” back in the day, and we do mean back in the day.

How do you plan to promote your new look site?

Ian has a new car and when he’s not looking we are going to paint the url on the passenger side, we reckon on 3 weeks’ worth of exposure between Watford, Bourne End and Harewood Downs Golf Club before he notices.

Viva la creative!

Viva la creative!

Have a nosy around the website and tell us what you think – www.guerilla-creative.co.uk or pop by with your brief and we’ll get our thinking caps on and see what we can do for you.

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